Thursday, February 25, 2010

No pictures...but lots of words :o)

Well....the camera cord seems to have won.

I can't find it and apparently it's enjoying its hiding spot way too much to come out.

So since I can't show you any pictures I'll tell you some fun things that have been going on around here!

One of the amazing things about this blog has been the unexpected.

It has been everywhere....unexpected friends, unexpected inspiration, unexpected fun.

So when I received an email about this post, it was quite (well you guessed it) unexpected.

Here is the email:

Katherine Ann,

My name is Susan Jenkins and I am an artist and writer. I am putting together a children’s book for a poem I wrote and I was looking for some inspiration and surfing images on the internet. I stumbled across a photo of what I am assuming must be your daughter with a crown of morning glories on her head. The image just shows the back of her head. This photo would be a great reference for me to use in one of the pages of my book. Even though I when I paint I typically change the image quite a bit, I still wanted to run it by you to see if I could use this pic to work into my painting.

The poem and book is called, “The Mountain Queen”. It is actually a story of my great-grandmother and her life in the Appalachian mountains. She used to weave morning glories to make a crown. I plan to have one of my paintings with a little girl looking out to the distant mountain and I really think this image could work well.

I know that even if I used the photo for reference you most likely would never see it, and even if you did might not recognize that it came from your photo…. But I still just wanted to run this by you. I would be more than happy to provide you with a print of the painting and copy of the book when it is done. I also would be happy to send you the poem if you wish.

Please just let me know if you are okay with me using the photo for my painting.

God bless and I look forward to hearing from you,

Susan Jenkins

WOW! Needless to say I was blown away.

How amazing that someone else would find inspiration from my sweet little girls head!!

I am very protective about images of my children being on the internet (which is why I don't usually post their picture). Since this was of the back of her head I couldn't say no.

I immediately emailed Susan back (after checking her out on Google)! She then sent me a copy of the poem as well as the preliminary art work for the book....both are truly beautiful.

I would love to show the artwork to you, but I want to get her permission first....she may want to save it until the book comes out! But take my word for it...she is very talented :o) fun is that!! She really made my week!

I would love to know what is the most unexpected and wonderful thing that has come your way via your blog?? These stories are too fun to keep to yourself!

....In the I go on the camera cord hunt again :o)

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!!


  1. Wow..that is so cool!! what a memory for your daughter! I haven't had anything that unexpected and wonderful happen via my blog yet except for all the awesome friends I've made...that I never really expected!
    have a wonderful day Katherine Ann:)

  2. That is very cool and something you can keep forever and show to your daughter. I do remember that great picture. I haven't had any unexpected fun things happen on my blog, but I have found that a lot more people read it than leave comments. Can't wait to see the book!
